September brings us a Beach Clean up @ Porto!

MAELSTROM’s September activities begin with a beach cleaning event in Porto (Portugal), as part of the World Clean Up Day

We are ready to get back to cleaning the coasts! On September 18, on the World Clean Up Day, a beach clean up will be held at Castelo do Queijo beach in Porto (Portugal).

Clean up events are always exciting news for our team as they allow us to involve citizens in real environmental protection activities: the waste stranded on the coasts, in fact, represent a risk for the ecosystem (for example, by being accidentally ingested by animals) as well as a landscape and environmental damage. Clean up events are thus moments in which we can raise awareness about marine litter related risks and consequences; at the same time, citizens’ contributions during these occasions are essential to have cleaner beaches!

But good news do not stop here: the waste collected during clean ups represent an important data source for Maelstrom’s research activities as it provides information on the types of litter found on the coasts, allowing to identify the most suitable and innovative recycling strategies and approaches.

The event is organized by our partners CIIMAR and CIMA Research Foundation, in collaboration with Sea Life Porto, LIPOR – Intermunicipal Waste Management Service of Greater Porto, Águas do Porto (the utility responsible for urban water cycle management in Porto), UNIFARDAS and Atlantic Sailing Club, in compliance with regulations to limit the spread of COVID-19. The Great Bubble Barrier, another partner of MAELSTROM, will also be present to present its technology “bubble barrier” which will intercept the waste from the entire width and depth of the river in order to prevent it from reaching the sea in the Porto district.

The final program and the link for the registration of the participants will be available very soon. Stay tuned!